Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Busy Bees

He loves to play with the toy bee and notices when the camera comes for a picture!

Look how strong she is as she sits, supporting her body on her own.  These two love to talk to one another and coo.

He loves exploring the keys and even putting them in his mouth to explore them.
Topic: Oral-motor
Use mouth and tongue to explore objects

Just too cute!

Happy Thanksgiving! She loved playing with the toy turkey around Thanksgiving.

We like to play together and strengthen our muscles in our arms and fingers.

These two couldn't stop playing with the forks and spoons while we had the play kitchen in our room!

She worked so hard to get all the way in!
Topic: Initiative and curiosity
Explore the environment through a variety of sensory-motor activity

He likes looking at himself in the mirror on the play gym and playing with the hanging toys.
Topic: Initiative and curiosity
Show interest in people and objects

Just chatting away!
Topic: Self- concept
Begin to understand self as a separate person from others.

Mrs. Penny loves her infants! So Does Mrs. Melissa!

She loves to read books! 

Outside is so much fun, even in the tunnel.

Learning to use a spoon to self feed!

This little girl loved the snow when she looked out the window and saw it!

Working out at the gym :)

Happy Holidays everyone!

Time to eat, ladies!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Peek a BOO

 He loves to just sit back and watch all of his friends play together!  Sometimes he even coos at them as they play near him.
This baby can't wait to be able to crawl around and play with her friends.  She laughs and watches them all play together.  A lot of times, friends will come over and play with her as she sits up, strengthening her core muscles.

Exploring his environment with his mouth!  He loves to play with this toy and as he shakes it, it rattles and he coos.

We loved playing with our pumpkins, even before they were carved!

Lots of fun playing with the gooey inside of the pumpkin! They even tasted some of it!

The smaller pumpkin was easier to pick up to manipulate.

The bigger pumpkin was fun to reach in and feel around to manipulate.

Happy Halloween!  What a cute little ladybug!

And a very cute monkey and duck!

This little boy found two ducks!

He loves to play with the soft turkey!

Just helping out a friend! This little girl helps by feeding her friend.

Now he found two blocks that are the same.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Little Explorers

Little Explorers

These little ones love to look out the window to see the birds and chipmunks!
Domain: Cognition and general knowledge
Strand: Science inquiry and application
Topic: Inquiry: Observe the physical and natural world around them

We love playing together in the pool full of soft toys!
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Strand: Relationships
Topic: Peer interactions and relationships: 
Participate in simple back and forth interactions with peers for short periods of time.

She loves to play with the farm animals and barn!
Domain: Approaches toward learning
Strand: Engagement and persistence
Topic: Attention:
Focus on an activity for short periods of time despite distractions.

We love to play on our playground and crawl around in the grass! Sunshine and fresh air are the best!

She is showing us how well she can balance by letting go with one hand to wave!
Domain: Physical well-being and motor development
Strand: Motor Development
Topic: Large muscle, balance and coordination
Move with increasing coordination and balance, with or without adult support and/or assistive device

The boys stick together! 
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Strand: Relationships 
Topic: Peer interactions and relationships
Show interest in other children. 

We love to play peek a boo around the tunnel with our friends while playing outside!
Domain: Approaches toward Learning
Strand: Initiative
Topic: Initiative and curiosity
Explore the environment through a variety of sensory-motor activity

Just enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!

Peek a boo!

Exploring her environment while outside is so much fun!
Domain: Approaches toward Learning
Strand: Initiative
Topic: Initiative and curiosity
Explore the environment through a variety of sensory-motor activities

After a long morning of playing, she likes to kick back and watch everyone else play while she relaxes.
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Strand: Self
Topic: Self-comforting
Comfort self in a variety of ways

Getting so strong, holding herself up all by herself!
Domain: Physical Well-being and Motor Development
Strand: Motor Development
Topic: Large Muscle, Balance and Coordination
Demonstrate strength and control of head, arms, legs and trunk using purposeful movements

These friends love to play alongside one another.
Domain: Social and Emotional Development 
Strand: Relationships
Topic: Peer interactions and relationships
Participate in simple back and forth interactions with peers for short periods of time

Smile for the camera!